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Find out about activities and events taking place at Age UK Camden and across the borough.

Regular activities

  • Coffee Mornings

    Our coffee mornings are an opportunity to make new friends, hear from interesting speakers and get information and advice. 

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  • Digital Support

    Free digital support drop-in sessions, digital device workshops and internet access. 

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  • Book Club

    Each month we discuss a new book, giving the Camden community the opportunity to come together and share ideas and opinions on the latest novel and the themes the author explores.

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  • Older People's Advisory Group

    Want to use your voice to help make Camden more older people friendly? Why not Join our Older People's Advisory Group with Ageing Better in Camden.

    Find out more 

  • 55+ Meet and Greet

    Our meet and greets are an opportunity to grab yourself a free tea/coffee, meet other local people, find out about what’s happening locally and pick up information.

    Find out more 

  • Join the Age UK Camden community

    By subscribing to our Camden community mailing list, you'll be the first to know about concerts and events, and our latest fundraisers. We'll also keep you updated with the latest news about our services.

    Join us 

Want to play a part in helping to support the older community in Camden?

Help raise vital funds for Age UK Camden and set yourself a challenge. Click below to see how you can get involved today!

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