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Donate a Cuppa

Published on 13 January 2021 01:42 PM

Donate a Cuppa

We've launched our spring 2021 fundraising campaign - Donate a Cuppa

During the pandemic, a million over 65-year-olds spend at least 5 days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone.

We don’t think that anyone should be completely alone - especially during a third national lockdown - which is why we’re working harder than ever to support older people in the Camden Community.

By donating to our new ‘Donate a Cuppa’ campaign, you can help us provide much needed company and support through virtual coffee mornings, digital inclusion sessions and weekly wellbeing calls. 

Why we're fundraising

Sassaka Amena, our Service Manager explained, “With so many of us working from home, perhaps we're no longer purchasing take-away coffees or snacks on the way to work. Therefore, we're asking those who can, to donate the money that they would have spent on teas and coffees, to Age UK Camden, so that we can continue to support our wonderful older community, many of whom are struggling and vulnerable in the current circumstances. We fully appreciate that times are financially difficult for many, but if you can support Age UK Camden, we would be extremely grateful for your help.

“Since the onset of the pandemic, we've experienced a surge in demand for our services whilst simultaneously facing a prolonged drop in income. We are more passionate and committed than ever in supporting the many older people in our community who need our support, but we need your help!”

How your donations help us

£10 = an older person receives a weekly wellbeing call.

£25 = training and support for a new befriending volunteer.

£100 = digital inclusions sessions for three older people in Camden, keeping them connected during the lockdown.


Virtual coffee mornings and quizzes

As a result of the pandemic, many of our face-to-face activities with clients have had to move online. Demand for connection with the local community is increasing, so If you're a corporate partner or work for an organisation which could help deliver virtual coffee mornings or quizzes to our clients - we'd love to hear from you! 

"Thank you for keeping the sessions going. More importantly for me, it's knowing that Age UK Camden is still there and open to supporting us all!" - Age UK Camden client.

To get in touch, please email: 

More information

Click here for more information about volunteering for Age UK Camden. If you'd like to learn about our range of support services and how we can help you, or an older person in the community, visit our Services page here.