Upgrading Henderson Court

Published on 05 March 2025 11:06 AM
We're excited to share that we have received funding from Camden Council's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to make improvements to our Henderson Court premises. Our plans are to improve facilities for Day Centre activities and to offer a wider range of services from Henderson Court.
We're planning to upgrade the toilets and to upgrade the small offices which will be used for delivering counselling, information and advice, debt advice, digital support and other services. We also plan to make changes to the Studio to provide a base for a range of services as well as a space for Day Centre activities.
The building is owned by the London Borough of Camden and we have been working with Camden to develop services and make them more accessible to Camden residents and older people living in the north of the Borough. We would still have a strong presence in the rest of the Borough, and we will provide outreach sessions from other locations and community venues.
Age UK Camden has been operating community services and a Day Care Centre at Henderson Court since 1965. In all these years, we have been able to maintain the premises and make them more welcoming, friendlier and safer without doing any significant upgrading.
We are planning for the improvement works to start by the end of April and to be finished by the end of June at the latest. Any disruption caused by these works will be kept to an absolute minimum. The works will take place on one side of the centre, and the Day Care Centre will continue to function and deliver care and support to clients during this time.
We'd like to thank Camden Council for their support on this project, and we look forward to being able to continue to support older people in the borough of Camden.