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Age UK Camden Launches 2025 Spring into Kindness Appeal

Published on 20 March 2025 09:05 AM

The first signs of spring are a reminder of hope and new beginnings, but for many older people across the Borough of Camden, the change in seasons still presents challenges and feelings of isolation or loneliness.

In fact, 55% of the people we support live alone, and many might not speak to anyone for days at a time.

That’s why we’re asking for your support with our Spring into Kindness appeal; an initiative dedicated to making sure older people in our community receive the support and companionship they need.

We believe that no one should feel invisible or forgotten, especially not in later life. We provide vital services to ensure that people have access to support within their local community, like our Social Prescribing service which provides support for people who are isolated and would like to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

"It really made the world of difference to me to receive this type of specialised support, and to have someone in my corner at a difficult time in my life.” Gerald, Social Prescribing Client

Your help can fund vital services that ensure older people can stay connected to the world around them, receive the care they need, and find a sense of belonging in their community.

  • £7 could support a volunteer to call an isolated older person.
  • £15 could help a befriender to visit someone who is housebound for an hour of company and conversation.
  • £35 could help to support someone who may be living with bereavement or feeling isolated at home.

We are separate from the national charity Age UK, which means we need to raise our own funding independently. We urgently need more funding to keep our services running and support even more older people across the borough. This Spring, let’s come together to spread kindness across Camden. Whether you can donate £5 or £50, your contribution will directly help older people in our community feel seen, heard, and supported.  

Donate here