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Digital Art Workshops

Published on 06 August 2024 03:33 PM

Over four Wednesdays in July, older residents of Camden joined us to take part in Digital Art Workshops, where they used iPads to sketch, draw, and paint something different each week.

The idea came from a desire to introduce older residents of Camden to the many wonderful creative opportunities that can be found on digital devices. Through teaching the attendees to use Procreate, we hoped to facilitate this creativity, whilst improving their digital skills and providing a space for them to socialise with local members of the community. We also hoped that through this they would improve their confidence in using their digital devices in their everyday lives. 

We were delighted to be joined by Catalin, a Weapons Artist at the video games studio Rocksteady, who very kindly facilitated the sessions each week. He has extensive experience using the Procreate app on his tablet, using it to design weapons for the various video games Rocksteady produces. He generously offered his time to teach these workshops, providing step by step instructions in his presentations and 1-2-1 support throughout. 

We had previously run a Gadget Clinic with Rocksteady back in May, where several of their staff volunteered to provide 1-2-1 tech support to older Camden residents. We’d like to say a huge thank you to Catalin and Rocksteady for giving up their time to help older people in Camden improve their digital skills.  
The sessions were hugely informative (and fun!) for all, and by the end we’d uncovered many budding artists – who knows – you might see some of their pieces in the National Gallery one day! 

Find out more about our Digital & IT Classes