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An Evening with Dr Lucy Pollock

Published on 05 September 2024 11:07 AM

On Friday night, we were delighted to host Dr Lucy Pollock along with our friends at the British Library in support of Age UK Camden

Dr Lucy gave an inspiring talk, reminding us that ageing is something to be celebrated, not feared. Her words were full of wisdom, humour, and kindness and left the audience feeling inspired and empowered.

One of our community members, Lindi, summarised those feelings perfectly by reminding us that “we are all responsible for tackling loneliness. My challenge to you from this day forward is to say hello to at least five strangers each day!”

We’re so grateful to Dr Lucy for giving up her time to come and share her insights with us - it certainly gave everyone a lot of food for thought. So far, the event has helped raise over £800 for Age UK Camden.

We were joined by Councillor Judy Dixey, who remarked: “It really was an inspirational event, Lucy was a great speaker with wonderful stories; I’ve started the book and can barely put it down.”

Thank you so much to the British Library and the British Library Community Engagement Team for hosting the evening and for all their organisational support both prior to and during the event – it would not have been a success without you!

A huge thank you to Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Age UK for providing a fantastic opening address and warming up the audience for Dr Lucy Pollock. We'd also like to thank the Mayor of Camden for coming along and asking such brilliant questions during the Q&A.

This event couldn’t have taken place without the valued contributions and hard work of all the local businesses, community members and attendees who helped make this event a success. We're so grateful for your support.

As a local independent charity, we’re dependent on local support for a significant proportion of our income to continue delivering our vital services.