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Age UK Camden CEO Recognised in New Year Honours 2022

Nikki Morris, CEO of Age UK Camden

Published on 04 January 2022 09:10 AM

Age UK Camden CEO, Nikki Morris, has been recognised in the New Years Honours List 2022 in recognition of her leadership both within the organisation and in Camden, particularly during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

Nikki has been awarded the British Empire Medal for her services to the community in the London Borough of Camden during Covid-19.

From the outset of the coronavirus outbreak, Age UK Camden played a key role at the forefront of the charity and community sector response to the pandemic, working closely with Camden Council to provide emergency support, including the sourcing, packing and delivery of over 7,000 emergency food parcels, help with hospital discharge and the provision of telephone counselling, befriending and wellbeing support. 

Mary Burd, Chair of Age UK Camden said, “We are incredibly proud of Nikki and her whole team at Age UK Camden who work hard to make such a difference to so many older people in our community. From the very outset of the pandemic, they worked tirelessly to lessen isolation and loneliness, to ensure as many services as possible were kept running and extra services appropriate for such challenging times were developed."

She continues "Nikki’s previous experience as a senior NHS nurse manager and of running a charity, as well as her enormous energy, compassion and attention to detail, enabled her to plan, lead and put into action the charity’s response promptly and to safely help those who otherwise would not have been able to access the everyday essentials required to keep healthy when they were unable to leave their homes. Our day centres became busy packing hubs and distribution centres for emergency food and provisions. The emotional support that followed via telephone counselling, befriending and through initiatives such as a book group and live streamed musical recitals was vital to help prevent the damaging effects of isolation. Nikki showed impressive leadership and this honour is very well deserved.”