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What's Your #PledgeFor2019?

Published on 07 January 2019 12:14 PM

Our pledge at Age UK Camden is to reach and support more older people in the borough in 2019. We work hard to improve the lives of thousands of over 50s in our community already, and we want to make even more of an impact this year.

To make this happen we need your help. Why not make your pledge for 2019 with Age UK Camden?

Make Volunteering Your #PledgeFor2019

Volunteering is a really meaningful way to give back to society while developing your skills along the way. We have a range of volunteering opportunities to suit a variety of interests. Take a look at the fantastic roles we’d love you to get involved in.

Volunteering Roles

Make a Sports Challenge Your #PledgeFor2019

Taking part in a sports challenge is a great way to keep your fitness on track and raise money for our projects at the same time. We have places on some of London’s most famous sporting events this year. Whether you or not you already run, swim or cycle, or want an excuse to start, get in touch today to sign up.

Sports Challenges

Make a Company Wide #PledgeFor2019

Many companies choose us as their charity to support. Their staff have lots of fun organising all sorts of activities like quiz nights, clothes drives and company bake sales. Making a corporate commitment is great for team building while raising money to fund our vital work. Working with us will also give you exposure and marketing opportunities, increasing your likeability and building a stronger connection with your customers and stakeholders. Over 85% of us view a business more positively if it gives something back socially.

Corporate Partners

Make Donating Your #PledgeFor2019

You might like to consider making a regular donation, big or small, to help us support older people in Camden. A regular donation helps us budget, develop services and reach more older people. Have a look at the ways you can make a donation to Age UK Camden.

How to Donate

Your time and support can make the world of difference for the older people in our community. Whatever your #PledgeFor2019, we want to hear from you!

Contact for voluntary roles.

Get in touch with our fundraiser at to sign up to a sports challenge, get your company involved or to donate or fundraise.

Email us on or call us on 0207 239 0400 for more information about Age UK Camden.