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Ride London cycle race: why Will and Nick are competing for AUC

Published on 10 June 2019 10:12 AM

Age UK Camden supporters William Gallagher and Nick Bernstein are competing in the famous Prudential Ride London 100 mile race this August, raising money to support older people in Camden by pushing the pedals over a scenic 100 mile route through London to Surrey.

Here’s why William and Nick chose to support Age UK Camden:

 “I've lived in Camden my entire life and wanted to put something back into my local community. I would like to raise as much as I can to be a small part of all the wonderful services and support they provide to the borough's older people.” - William

“I started cycling when I needed a life change a few years ago. In 2015 at 20 stone I signed up for the Etape du Tour a stage through the Alps of the Tour de France run for amateurs. Since then I’ve had the fitness bug and have done numerous cycle sportives and recently chalked up my fourth marathon. Age UK Camden are making a real difference to end loneliness & strengthen the Camden community, making older life enjoyable for all older people.” - Nick

Not a cyclist but want to show your support? You can donate to Nick and William’s fundraising pages below or share this page with someone who might be interested in taking part.