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The Oasis Day Club

  • Location: The Oasis Village & Childrens Centre
  • Price: £25.00
Call 01733 806336 for more info

The fee for the day is £25

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Head office.'s catchment area.

The Oasis Village & Childrens Centre
St. Michaels Avenue
PE13 3NR
United Kingdom

Our services offer opportunities to socialise and feel secure in a happy and stimulating environment. We have several Day Services at different centres across the county

How can we help

Join our day services for an opportunity to socialise and enjoy activities such as:

☕ Tea or coffee is offered and a hot meal
🎲 Games
❓ Quizzes,
🎭 Entertainment
🎤 Speakers
🚌 Sometimes outings can be a part of our day.

We may be able to arrange transport or direct you to local services that can help with transport arrangements.

Please see our service leaflet

Who can we help?

The service is available for residents of the area where clubs are listed. If the service is not delivered in your area please contact
☎️ 01733 806336 and we can advise you on what is available in your location.

If you would like to volunteer for our Day Services please click this link to find out more

The Details

The Oasis Community Centre,
St Michael's Avenue,
PE13 3NR

Wednesdays and Fridays

We charge a fee for the day which is £25. This fee included all activities, food and Drink.

A hot mid - day meal is provided as well as the usual refreshments during the day.

Contact Us

To find out more, you can contact our Day Services Team Leader directly:

☎️ 01733 806336

Our local helpline 0300 666 9860 is open between 9am-3pm Monday to Friday, calls made outside these hours will be transferred to the Age UK National Helpline.