Fundraise for us!

Fundraise for us!
Whether you want to walk, run, bake, or even jump out of a plane, please contact us with your fundraising ideas and events and help us to make a difference. Short on ideas? Take a look through our A to Z of fundrasing ideas.
Read about Fundraiser's stories
Please ensure that any money you raise is sent to Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and not to our brand partner Age UK. Age UK is the national charity (a different charity) and if you wish for your donation to be spent locally, supporting the delivery of our local services to older people living in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area, then please send your fundraising to us directly by any of the methods below:
Send a cheque payable to Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, to: Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Finance Dept, .
Frans House, Fenton Way, Chatteris, Cambs, PE16 6UP
Bank Transfer
Make a bank transfer of the amount to: Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, The Co-operative Bank, Account No: 65793174, Sort Code: 08-92-99
Give as you live
Set up a supporters page/ fundraising page for us at Give as you Live- DONATE to collect donations/sponsors. More information on how to do this is HERE
Online Donation
Make a direct online donation HERE page.
Just Giving
Set up a supporters page/ fundraising page on Just Giving
Let us know your ideas, how you would like to support us and what we can do to support you, email:
Easy Ways to Fundraise
Online Shopping - Give As You Live
You can also help us by making a small change to the way you do your on-line shopping. You can enable free donations are made to us by a number of retailers, by shopping via Give as you Live and supporting our charity Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Join us now as a supporter and sign up HERE.
Big Knit
Can you knit or crochet, or encourage others to knit for our Big Knit Campaign?
For every behatted smoothie hat that gets sold, Age UK will receive 25p to help older people during the cold winter months.
Recycle4Charity is a free and easy to use ink recycling programme, simply follow the link and register to send your empty cartridges for recycling. Help us to raise funds and save the planet!
Keep Updated
Keep up to date with any of our campaigns and fundraisers by following us on our socials and subscribing to our newsletter.
A Different Charity
We're NOT the same charity as the national charity, Age UK. We are an independent Brand Partner, part of a federation of partners across the UK. Please donate to us locally.
A to Z Fundraising
See our A to Z Fundraising Ideas for you to try
Inspired? Contact Us