Big Knit 2024-2025

New campaign starting October 2024 and ending June 2025
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us to reach our target last campaign - you sent in 15085 little hats!!! This raised £3771.25 for us!
As the campiagn is shorter this time our target this year is 11250 hats!
Start knitting and sending your hats in! Please send them to:
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Frans House, Fenton Way, Chatteris PE16 6UP
When will hats be on bottles?
October 2025 - watch out and see if you can spot them 'in the wild'! They will be on top of innocent smoothie bottles in supermarkets across the country.
We are very pleased to announce that the Big Knit is back!
What is Big Knit?
The Big Knit is a nationwide campaign that Age UK runs in partnership with innocent drinks where we ask you to knit little woolly hats which then go on to their smoothie drinks. For every smoothie sold, Age UK receives 25p. There are over 130 local Age UK's brand partners, of which Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is one, and all the partners may take part if they wish. In the past we have managed to contribute thousands of little hats to this campaign. The participation has delighted many and also rasied much needed funds for us. In the 2018/19 Big Knit campaign Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough collected 14,552 little hats, which raised an incredible £3,638 for us to help support local older people.
We are aiming to knit 11250 little hats locally, with the potential to raise £2812.50.
Can you help us to achieve this target? If so, please ensure that you send the hats to us locally and not to the national Age UK charity, as we are a different charity. We are your local independent charity delivering local services to support local older people and their carers. We will not benefit from fundraising or donations that are sent to the national charity called Age UK.
How to get involved
We’d love you to knit lots of lovely little hats for our Big Knit campaign and whether you’re a knitting novice or a purling pro, it couldn’t be easier.
Download the knitting patterns below, make yourself a nice cup of tea, find a comfy chair and knit away!
Where to send your hats
Once your little knitted creations are ready, drop them off (covid restrictions permitting) or post them to:
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Frans House, Fenton Way, Chatteris PE16 6UP
We'd love you to share your pictures and comments on our Facebook Page please tag us @ageukcap and use #LittleCAPBigKnitter Thank you for your support.
How does the Big Knit help?
The money we raise from the Big Knit helps us be there for older people who have no one else to turn to – so those little hats really do make a big difference!
Watch Age UK video as an example to see just how much this means to people like Jean and John:
Could you be a Big Knit Ambassador volunteer for us? All you need to do is encourage knitting the little hats to your friends, family, neighbours, work place and in your community. Take a look at the role description here and get in touch.