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Our First Guide to Later Life in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Published on 22 August 2023 11:26 AM

Welcome to the 1st edition of our Guide to Later Life in Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough!

One of the challenges faced by people as they grow older is knowing where to turn for information and advice on the range of issues that might arise. This is why we are releasing a yearly guide to share the services and support we can offer and, in addition, services offered by other agencies. Our aim with this guide is to bring information together so you and your family can have a useful reference booklet that you can pick up and refer to as and when you need it.

Within our guide, we showcase how Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough can help, with services ranging from grants and benefit entitlement 'check ups', to support in the home or finding opportunities to socialise and connect.

We are here to inspire, support and enable older people, helping them stay safe, make informed choices and be independent yet connected.   

Our first issue includes:

  • CEO’s welcome
  • Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Guide to our services
  • Your right to social care and support
  • Are you a carer?
  • Funding care
  • Services in your home 
  • Care home and retirement living

Read our first issue here and please do use this guide and contact us if you think we can help you or indeed if you can help us.

To feature in the next publication please contact:




We deliver services to older people living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. To deliver these local services we must raise all of our own funds. This means we rely on donations and support from individuals and local organisations. Also, we would not be able to offer all the support and services that we do without volunteers. If you can offer your support please contact either: or

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See our first issue here