Census 2021
Published on 25 February 2021 01:56 PM
The Census is coming. By taking part, you can help inform decisions on services that shape your community, such as healthcare, education and transport.
The census is a unique survey that happens every 10 years. It gives a snapshot of all the people and households in England and Wales – the most detailed information we have about our society.
It’s important that you fill in your census questionnaire. Without the information you share, it’d be more difficult to understand our community’s needs and to plan and fund public services. The census findings are used by the government and many other organisations, including ourselves and other charities.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) runs the census in England and Wales and is independent from government. Your details are protected by law and information published is always anonymous.
Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations. Many of us use the census to help trace our ancestry.
The 2021 national census will take place on 21st March 2021.You will receive an initial postcard and then further information on how to take part.
To participate you will need to go online if you are able, but hard copies can be provided.
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is supporting the uptake and engagement in the census.
If you or someone you know is over 60yrs and needs support to complete the form online, or if you want to request a paper version of the form, get in touch and we can help.
Call us today
Our friendly team are here to offer you free, confidential support. Please call 0300 666 9860 between 10.00am and 3.00pm, Monday to Friday. You can also email us at infoandadvice@ageukcap.org.uk