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We asked and you are delivering!

Published on 10 July 2020 03:56 PM

Only 7 weeks ago we launched an appeal for re-usable sewn face masks, to provide to our service users. We are astounded by the kindness and generosity so many people have shown in donating masks or materials. We rather optimistically asked for 1,500 face masks/coverings and so far we have received 1,385.

We are currently distributing them to our service users and they are being very gratefully accepted, so much so that we would like to extend the appeal further. We would like to enter a second phase of the appeal and provide a mask to more older people, to include those who are currently unable to use our services as they are suspended, such as members of our Day Services and Friendship Clubs. We are appealing for a further 1,500 face masks – making an over appeal target of 3,000.

Some of the responses we have had are:

“Oh this is wonderful, thank you so much”

“I didn’t know how to get a mask, this is really helpful”

“I like that you can wash it, I don’t like waste!”

“Isn’t it pretty”

"Aren't people kind, thinking of us"

We wish to THANK EVERYONE who has donated.

Some people have not sent their name or contact details, so we cannot acknowledge or send our thanks. If you are one of them please do get in touch with us as we would like to send a reply. Here are a few supporters of our appeal. Our thanks and appreciation to:

The Butterfly Project – Mandy for organizing and sewing and everyone in the March project who has sent over 1,000 masks

Trisha C Design, who has sent 170 masks

Jane, Daisy, Em, Tianda, Sharon, Cathy and Lynda

We are also aware of more supporters who are currently sewing and will be sending in masks. Thanks to:

Andrea, Lydia, Shirley, Julie, Sarah, Angela, Rebecca, Mei, Karin, Amber, Jasmine, Carys and Bridget.

If you wish to join our appeal and sew masks for us please email COVID19@AGEUKCAP.ORG.UK. Please post your masks (remember to include your name and contact details) to:

Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

2 Victoria Street



PE16 6AP

It would be lovely to see photo’s of you and whilst you are sewing. Please share your photos in social media and tag us @ageukcap and use #ageukcapmask. 

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