Re-Usable Face Masks Appeal
Published on 21 May 2020 10:53 AM
Can you help us to provide a facemask to our service users?
We are receiving requests from service users for suppliers of face masks. Whilst government guidelines are that wearing a facemask alone does not give protection from the virus, it does offer some protection to those around you from catching it from you if you are asymptomatic, so wearing a facemask can reduce the spread of the virus along with social distancing and frequent handwashing.
The situation is still for the most vulnerable to be shielded and to stay at home but this is not always possible (e.g. attending medical appointments), also some of our service users wish to do their own shopping. It is anticipated that gradually public advice will change as the government navigates the country out of lock down, meaning more service users are likely to leave their homes and feel they would benefit from wearing a mask.
With this in mind, we would like to supply our service users with a complimentary re-usable face mask. We are therefore asking for your help to make face masks, or donate 100% cotton fabric and materials such as apron strings, elastic and thread, we can pass on to sewers.
There is a pattern example on the government website in the link below, or you may have your own.
In phase one we aim to provide 1,500 face masks. They will be given first to older people currently receiving direct support from us.
We would also like 200 accessible face masks that we can give to staff and volunteers to use to assist with communicating with service users who are hard of hearing. Below you will find a link to the pattern for this type of re-usable face mask.
If you can join us in this campaign please let us know, how many facemasks you can make and the time frame anticipated, as this will help with our co-ordination. If you can donate materials (e.g. fabric, apron strings, elastic, thread), please let us know and we can discuss, collection/delivery arrangements. If you are able to post your donations, please send to the address below and remember to include your name and address, so we can thank you.
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
2 Victoria Street
PE16 6AP
Contact Details
OR PHONE 0300 666 9860
Government Guidance:
Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, comments: “Wearing a face covering is an added precaution that may have some benefit in reducing the likelihood that a person with the infection passes it on. “The most effective means of preventing the spread of this virus remains following social distancing rules and washing your hands regularly. It does not remove the need to self-isolate if you have symptoms.”
Importantly, the government is urging people not to purchase surgical masks or respirators, which are prioritised for healthcare workers working in more high-risk environments where the risk is greatest.
Health Minister Jo Churchill says: “Today, thanks to the evidence provided by our expert scientists, we are advising people to consider wearing a face covering if they can in enclosed public spaces where social distancing is impossible, for example on public transport or in shops. This may help prevent you spreading the virus to others. “You do not need a clinical mask which are prioritised for our healthcare workers. Instead a face covering is sufficient and we encourage people to make these at home with items they will already own.”
Public Health England Guidance
How to wear and make a cloth face covering
Accessible Re-Usable Face Mask
How to make a face mask for people who are heard of hearing - with mouth cut-out