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Special Recognition Award

Published on 13 June 2018 12:20 PM

On Monday 4th June staff from our Sharing Time (friendship visits, previously called Visiting and Befriending Service) team were delighted to attend an awards ceremony to collect a Special Recognition Award from the High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire, Dr Andrew Harter CBE and Ms Lily Bacon, Deputy Lieutenant.

The award is special in that nominations can only be made by volunteers from the organisation and because they feel supported and valued by the organisation.

Carol Cook, Dee Potter and Gill Barnes attended the event on behalf of the team, with volunteers Yang Li and Jenny Clements, two of the volunteers who made nominations.

 Below is a selection of quotes taken from our volunteer nominations:

“When I first enrolled as a volunteer in 2012, I was always made to feel welcome and respected as a volunteer. The team impressed me with their dedication and sincerity in doing their utmost to help older people whether in their own home, the Community or Day Centres. I enjoyed working alongside them all. When I undertook my Befriending role, yet again the team ensured I was fully aware of my responsibilities as a Befriender, a welcome pack was provided and everything done by them was thorough and kind.”


“I have spent the past 8 years in a variety of volunteering roles: for a hospice, at Age UK (including that of a Trustee), as well as many community schemes, so I consider myself  qualified enough to know a good charity when I see one. Since joining Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough I have been warmly welcomed, closely supported and made to feel valued and part of the team.”


“As part of the Befriending scheme it would be easy to feel isolated as a volunteer, but I have never experienced this and my coordinator is always available to contact, should I need to.”


“It makes me feel confident and comfortable that everyone is well looked after with sensible, clear guidelines and processes.”


“I have been carefully briefed about all aspects of my role as a Visitor for Age UK.”

 The team would like to thank the volunteers who nominated us and all of our volunteers who work so hard to support us and make a real difference to the lives of older people. We couldn’t offer the services we do without you.

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