
Published on 13 August 2024 09:50 AM
Sally 81yrs, lives on her own and our Information & Advice service asking for mobile hairdresser. Explained she used to have one before Covid lockdown then afterwards hairdresser no longer doing it – so she’s left it since.
She struggles with mobility so can’t get out to take a bus to hairdresser (too far to stop, infrequent service), can’t afford a taxi. She doesn’t like to bother her daughter who lives 4 hours away but makes the journey to visit her approx. once a month and does a big shop for her. In between she manages to get to the local nearby shop for bits but it’s a struggle with her shopping trolley, especially getting up the step/lip in and out her front door. She’s feeling worried as she has tripped once on this already and bruised all her left side, shocked her, made her wary to go out.
We gave her some options and helped her to find a mobile hairdresser.
Asked if she thought about a ramp to make getting in and out the house easier? She had but didn’t think she could afford it and wouldn’t know who to contact or trust to do it. She doesn’t like to bother her daughter who has her own family, works and a lot on her plate.
She agreed for Our Handyperson Service to visit for a safety assessment of her home, looking at aids and adaptions to support Sally living at home safely. (not only did we fix the ramp, but grab rail by the door, inside bathroom, back door and secured the stair banister that was loose and fixed a kitchen cupboard door, garden rail to sit on garden bench).
Concern about costs – I&A Service talked about her finances. Did benefits assessment. Qualified for Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance, we supported to obtain approx. £90 per week extra income. Used income to: Pay for Chiropodist, which helped her to walk with less pain. Pay for taxi trip to supermarket sometimes instead of local shop for more choice and better prices, sometimes just to go the garden centre for a coffee and a chat with the ‘nice ladies’ there.
Household Support Fund Service also successful claim for a payment towards her heating.
Felt lonely/isolated now receives a visit from a Sharing Time Service volunteer once a week to chat as she felt the days were long and she only saw someone about once a week when she had a trip out.
Summary: We helped Sally:
To find a mobile hairdresser, and she later told us she was absolutely delighted with the results and to “feel human” again.
Get in and out her home more easily and safely and to move about her home more safely (bathroom/stairs).
Access back garden and safely move in it to sit in/enjoy her garden (listen to birds).
Increase her finances and feel less worried about bills and food cost.
Feel less isolated she could afford a taxi to visit the supermarket or garden centre.
Increase her choices.
Feel less lonely having a friend (volunteer) to chat to she told us "I don’t feel such a burden to my daughter, and I can tell her about my friend and if I’ve been out on a taxi trip.”