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Digital Champions

  • Location: Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees
  • Price: Free

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees
4-6 Square
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

We provide digital training sessions to help those older people who want to learn how to get online.

About Digital Champions

The Digital Champion Programme aims to tackle digital exclusion by recruiting and training Digital Champion volunteers, who will support older people to improve their digital skills, as well as providing loan technology to those without access.

Ann, Digital Champion Programme service user said: “People from my generation feel excluded from a society that is becoming more digital by the day and this wonderful service is invaluable and essential!”
“We’re thrilled to announce the Age UK Digital Champion Programme is launching here at Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees. A lack of digital skills and access to technology means many older people in our area are missing out on essential services and the opportunity to connect with loved ones.

Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees is encouraging older people in Calderdale & Kirklees who would like to get online to get in touch to find out what digital support is available to them, please contact us for information about upcoming sessions. Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees is also looking for Digital Champion volunteers to deliver skills sessions to older people in their area, to find out more please contact Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees on 01422 252 040 or email