Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place in Calderdale and Kirklees.
Activities in Calderdale
In Calderdale
To find out what is happening in Calderdale you can visit the Calderdale 50+ Forum website and browse through their Events and Useful links or get in touch with the Staying Well Hubs.
Calderdale 50+ Forum
The Forum supports and represents people aged 50 and over in Calderdale. The Forum engages and empowers people, and promotes a collective voice on issues that matter to them.
The Forum is an independent and non–party political organisation in its own right, run by older people, for older people.
Their website hosts a directory of over-50-friendly groups, clubs and activities in Calderdale. Find out more:
If you would like to be involved, or would like more information, please:
Call on 07385 898646
Email on:
Staying Well Hubs
Call on 01422 392767
Activities in Kirklees
In Kirklees
To find activities, events and local organisations in Kirklees you can visit Kirklees Community Directory, part of the Kirklees Council website:
To find social clubs for older people in Kirklees:
Age UK C&K Groups
Tai Chi
We run a Tai Chi group in Huddersfield (Fridays) if you are looking to try something different. Please see our Tai Chi page here for more information.