Fun at the pantomime for Age UK clients

Published on 11 January 2022 03:29 PM
The Age UK Wellbeing Centre in Halifax is now open on Sundays to provide respite for carers with the peace of mind that their loved ones are cared for by trained and friendly professionals.
The weekend service offers many activities and entertainment for attendees including quizzes, bingo, music, arts and crafts, as well as opportunities for days out.
The weekend group took their first trip to see the Christmas show ‘Elf’ at the Halifax Playhouse – a treat that was immensely enjoyed by everyone involved.
Clients enjoyed a Christmas themed lunch at the centre before travelling to the Playhouse for the show.
One of group was amazed by the show saying “I’m so impressed with how good it was. The cast was incredible and the young man playing Buddy, the Elf, was fantastic. Just brilliant!”
The staff wanted nothing more than to give the clients, they care so much about, a positive experience to celebrate the festive season. Chief Executive, Lisa Butland said: “It was a nice treat for staff and clients alike, and so lovely to support a local production.”