One more month to go for the Big Knit 2022

Published on 18 May 2022 02:26 PM
Final call to dig out those knitting needles for the innocent Big Knit and help older people in Calderdale & Kirklees
Age UK needs the woolly warriors of Calderdale and Kirklees to get their knitting needles out and craft as many little hats as possible by 30th June 2022 for the innocent Big Knit campaign.
Each little hat will be matched with an innocent smoothie bottle, which will go on sale from October 2022. For every be-hatted smoothie sold, 25p will go to Age UK, helping to make a huge difference to the lives of older people.
Older people are facing a very challenging time with the rising cost of living, particularly the increase in energy prices, with those most vulnerable struggling to make ends meet. Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees’s services have been a lifeline to older people most in need in the local area, and every knitted hat will help to raise vital funds for the Charity so it can continue to help older people who have no one to turn to.
Lisa Butland, Chief Officer of Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees said: “Whether you’re a knitting ninja, a purling pro or just keen to have a go, we need the people of Calderdale & Kirklees to join us for the final push of this year’s innocent Big Knit campaign and help us to knit as many little hats as possible before the 30th June.
“The money raised from these little hats will make a huge difference to older people in our area who need our support. Every hat knitted will help to fund our vital services, including Wellbeing Centres, Befriending, Shopmobility, Information and Advice, Footcare, Handyperson Service, Domestic Services, Tai Chi, Walking Football and MCST.”
Jad Marie, innocent drinks, said: "After a really hard couple of years, we want to make this campaign as big as possible so we can help more older people than ever, so please do grab your knitting needles and get crafting! We’re incredibly grateful to all the heroic volunteers who have helped us so far.”
For more information on the innocent Big Knit contact Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees on 01422 252 020 or visit Please send completed hats to Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees at 4-6 Woolshops, Halifax, HX1 1RJ
There are exciting hat designs, including a cheeky monkey, fox cub, sheepish sheep and a unicorn, available to download now. To find out more visit: or