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We Are Undefeatables

Published on 04 September 2019 10:31 AM

We are Undefeatables 

We Are Undefeatable is a new national campaign that aims to change people’s idea that people living with Long Term health Condidtions (LTCs) can’t be active.

It aims empower and inspire people with long term conditions to get more active.

Did you know taking part in exercise can reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions by up to 40% and can help delay the onset of, and reduce the severity of LTCs.

Find out more about the campaign here

Why is it important?

In the UK, 1 in 4 people (15 million) have at least one long-term health condition.

What’s more, those living with these conditions are twice as likely to be inactive, even though it’s been found that increased activity can help in the management of more than 20 long-term health conditions, including depression and type 2 diabetes.

  • People who are inactive have three times the rate of moderate to severe depression than active people.
  • Physical inactivity directly contributes to 1 in 6 deaths - the same number as smoking.
  • Physical inactivity is costing the UK an estimated £7.4bn a year.

Mohans Story 

Mohan, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 7 years ago. His family are dedicated to ensuring Mohan maintains his interests and keeps his mind and body as active as possible; his granddaughter was able to reignite a passion for crosswords that had once seemed lost, as well as a fondness for jigsaw puzzles.

“It’s very important for him to be useful,” explains his daughter. “He’ll even pick up the dustpan and brush or the hoover, and he’ll move the chairs while we’re hoovering. He loves the outdoors – gardening, watering and brushing.”

Mohan’s daughter continues: “There are different things that will start to fail. It’s very important for him to keep active, to keep his heart working. He does this fabulous class, FABS (Flexibility, Aerobics, Balance, Stretching). It’s a small class, which he likes. It’s run by Laura, who is so patient with him. No matter how well he does or doesn’t do, she is always very pleased with him and he responds to that.”

How do I find activities near me?

1. Ask Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees - visit a drop-in session or call one of our Information workers - details on our Information and Advice page

2. Take a look and check out the links on our Activities and Events page

3. Ask your neighbours if they know of any local activities!

4. Ask your GP about 'moving medicine'.

5. Take a look at what is on offer at your local leisure centre - they have lots of activities for the over 50's:

Calderdale Leisure Centres

Kirklees Leisure Centres

6. Look at your local council website - they have lots of info about keeping active and what is available in the area:

Calderdale Council

Kirklees Council

7. Investigate local charities promoting health and wellbeing, as they often run activity sessions for their client group. For example CREW (Cardiac Rehabilitation, Exercise, Walking) in Calderdale  is a registered charity, that provides walks, exercise classes, educational and social activities. Find out more Or Dewsbury Memories which stimulates people living with dementia with sporting memories