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Top 10 tips for keeping warm

Published on 27 October 2017 11:58 AM

Keeping Warm keeps You Well!

Women looking warmBeing snug and cosy in your home will help protect your health; being too cold can cause serious problems for your breathing and lead to bad chests.  Sitting for long periods of time in a cold home puts pressure on your heart and blood circulation too.  This can lead to very serious problems such heart attacks and strokes. 

Last year in Calderdale and Kirklees three people died everyday from illness caused by being too cold in their own home.  Older people who may be frail or have existing health conditions are particularly at risk.

Lisa Butland, Chief Executive of Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees says:

“ We are asking everyone to remember the needs of friends, relatives and neighbours who could be at risk.  Many people are not aware that by not keeping warm they are putting themselves in danger.  As a minimum, to keep warm and healthy, sitting rooms should be 21C and bedrooms 18C.”


Top 10 tips to keep snug, warm and well this winter:

1.    Don’t let the cold catch you out - check the weather forecast and be ready for cold weather.

2.    Hot meals will keep you snug and warm so make sure you have food in the house.  Tinned, dried and frozen foods are great as they will keep fresh.

3.    Have plenty of hot drinks like tea, coffee or hot water as this will help to keep you warm.  Just boil the amount of water you need each time and this will save you money too!

4.    Make sure you have enough of your prescription medicines.  If the weather turns bad you may not be able to collect or have your medicines delivered, check the forecasts and make sure you have enough in stock. 

5.    The flu is much more serious than a cold; it often leads to a hospital stay and can be fatal.  Keep yourself safe and make sure you have your flu jab.  People over 65 or people with existing medical conditions, get this for free so make sure you get yours.

6.    Make sure you can check the temperature in your living room and bedroom.  If possible have a simple thermometer or set your heating controls to the right temperature.  Ask someone for help if you cannot work your heating controls properly.

7.    Wear a few layers of thin clothing rather than 1 thick layer; this will trap the heat better to keep you warm.  Socks and hats are great too and are a good idea to keep you warm in bed.

8.    Cover yourself with a blanket or shawl if you are sitting for long periods, this will help keep you warm and put your feet up if you can;  the air is colder near the floor.

9.    Tuck curtains behind radiators, this will keep the heat in the room

10.    Keep moving if you can, this will help keep you warm.  Try not to sit for more than 1 hour – get up and walk around, make a hot drink and spread housework throughout the day.  If walking is a problem try moving your arms and legs whilst sitting or wiggling your fingers and toes.

Front cover of Winter wrapped up leafletFor more information on keeping warm and well, pop in to our shops in Huddersfield or Halifax to pick up our leaflet Winter wrapped up.