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Advice from Age UK C&K

Published on 08 December 2017 04:47 PM

Several years ago, Joan and her husband contacted Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees. He had become very unwell and they felt they needed some extra help. One of Age UK C&K’s advice workers visited and helped them with forms and financial paperwork so they we able to get some much needed support.

Sadly Joan’s husband passed away and it has left a huge gap in her life. They had known for a while that he was on borrowed time, but he managed to fulfil his wish of living to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Joan’s philosophy had been to enjoy the rest of their time together while they still could. Joan

When he asked the question, ‘How will you manage when I’m gone?’ Joan reassured her husband that she’d just call Age UK C&K and it was a comfort to him knowing that she was in safe hands.

After her husband passed away, Joan felt like she was living in a bubble. People don’t always realise how much there can be to sort out after the death of a loved one but Age UK C&K’s adviser was a great support once again. He helped her with paperwork such as insurance and pensions which all have to be dealt with at this difficult time.  Age UK was a name she could trust, knowing there would be a friend on the other end of the phone.

‘I am so glad I had Age UK’ she says, adding that their help had been a blessing, and just knowing that she could contact them whenever she needed to was a comfort not just to herself, but to her husband before he passed away.

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