Befriending Service
Our face-to-face-befriending service is available to people aged 50 and over in the Bury area.
Our aim is to help tackle feelings of loneliness and isolation and involves a specially selected volunteer befriender visiting an older person in their home.

Contact Information
Age UK Bury email:
Jubilee Centre telephone: Jane on 07541 741 891
Mosley Avenue
Please note, this service is only available within the Borough of Bury.
Who is the service for?
The main aim of our befriending service is to match carefully vetted volunteers with Bury residents over 50 who are lonely and isolated, the volunteers offer company and social support.
Relationships normally involve a weekly home visit for clients who are housebound due to frailty, physical disability, or other circumstances. Those who are unable to access other means of social interaction will be prioritised. The home visits are usually about an hour long; however, some visits are more flexible and are agreed between both parties and the Befriending Co-Ordinator.
Making a Referral
We are happy to receive referrals from older people themselves or from their families, carers, GP’S, practice nurses and social workers. However, we will only accept referrals with the consent of the person being referred.
Making a referral
Download and complete our Referral Form (Word doc format)
Please note we are unable to provide a befriending volunteer to an older person with more than a mild dementia, or visits outside the usual office days and hours.
Befriending Volunteers are from all walks of life, both younger and older who are keen to make a real difference to someone suffering from social isolation. If you interested in becoming a befriending volunteer and would like to discuss this role further, then please get in touch with Jane Lees on 07541 741891 or email