Information & Advice

- Location: Age UK Buckinghamshire
- Price: Free
Age UK Buckinghamshire
145 Meadowcroft
HP19 9HH
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01296 431911
Talk to a friendly, trained adviser for free. Receive confidential and independent information, advice, and signposting on matters that affect older people.
Information & Advice
Our Information and advice service provides free, up-to-date, independent information, advice and support on all issues of concern to older people, their families, friends and carers.
How does the Information and Advice Service work?
The service is primarily provided via telephone and email. This is a confidential and impartial service that promotes independence and well-being by giving you the information and advice you need to make informed decisions, as well as signposting you to other relevant organisations and services.
How to access our Information and Advice Service
Call (9.30-12.30 weekdays) to speak to an Information and Advice officer.
Tel: 01296 431911
Are you interested in volunteering for this service?
Click on the link below to find out more and apply to be a First Contact volunteer!