About us

We are a local independent charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Who we are
Age is different for everyone and the challenges and the demands are different for everyone too. At Age UK Buckinghamshire, we are many things to many people – a source of advice, information, companionship and support. We are an independent and local charity, dedicated to making Buckinghamshire a great place to grow old.
As a charity, we have been supporting older people across Buckinghamshire for over 70 years. Formed in September 1945, the Buckinghamshire Older People's Welfare Committee became Age Concern Buckinghamshire and, in 2010, began trading as Age UK Buckinghamshire. There are over 150 local Age UK organisations across Britain, forming a network of independent charities with a shared ethos and commitment to older people.
How we are funded
Historically, Age UK Buckinghamshire has received core funding from local authority sources and grants from a variety of national and local grant giving bodies. As statuatory funding reduces we have to try to do more with less. Consequently, our reliance on grant giving bodies, fundraising and donations must increase if we are to continue to provide charitable services. The services we charge for, naturally pay for themselves but cannot cover the costs of our free services.
What we do
We give advice
Our Information and Advice service provides free, up-to-date, independent information, advice and support on all issues of concern to older people, their families, friends and carers.
We provide support
We offer support services to help with everything from cleaning and gardening to claiming benefits and getting your haircut. We help over 300 older people with these services every month.
We befriend
Our volunteer befrienders visit lonely or socially isolated older people in the community who have no one to talk to. In 2017 our volunteers visited 800 older people who would otherwise be alone.
We campaign
Whether its changing home care legislation or getting MPs to take action, please take the time to sign our petitions so that the voices of older people in the UK don't go unheard.
Our staff
Meet our staff
We have a team of dedicated staff, responsible for the management and organisation of all our services. Find out more here.
Our volunteers
Our services couldn't run without the help of our amazing volunteer team. We have over 350 volunteers helping us throughout the week. Find out more about our volunteers and how you can become a volunteer too.