Wheelchair Loan

- Location: Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch & Wyre Forest
- Price: £10.00
Please see the section below for additional information about the refundable deposit and weekly charges.
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest - Head Office's catchment area.
Email: enquiries@ageukbrwf.org.uk
Telephone: 01527570490
Do you need a wheelchair on a short-term basis or for occasional use but do not want to purchase one?
About our Wheelchair Loan Service
• If you need a lightweight wheelchair for a short period to cover holidays or a return from hospital, we have a small stock of wheelchairs available for short term loan.
• These are available to loan for a short period of time and all we require is £10.00 per week and a refundable deposit of £50.00.
• Wheelchairs need to be collected from, and returned to, our Bromsgrove office
For more information, please call our team on 01527 570490 or Contact Us using the link below:
Little things - big difference
Do you need an extra hand to make life easier? Find out more about Age UK BRWF's At Home service using the link below: