Our services
If you are 50+ and live in Bromsgrove, Redditch or Wyre Forest, then Age UK BRWF is here to help! As a local charity, our aim is to make North Worcestershire a better place for people to grow older, by delivering a range of local services aimed at promoting independence and enabling people to make the most of later life
Benefits Calculator – what are you entitled to?
Following the Government’s decision to make the Winter Fuel Payment means tested, did you know that Age UK's online benefits calculator can help you find out which benefits (including Pension Credit) you could be entitled to. It's free and simple to use and the details you provide are kept anonymous.
Find out more about our Services
Click on the links above and contact us on 01527 570490 or email: enquiries@ageukbrwf.org.uk - We are here to help
We welcome your Feedback
We welcome any feedback that you would like to provide to us about our work across North Worcestershire. Please select the button to access our Feedback Form, along with details of other ways that you can share your comments plus details of our Complaints Policy