Information & Advice Volunteers

Age UK BRWF’s Information & Advice Service provides information, signposting, advice and practical support to older people and their carers.
There are several ways in which you can get involved and support the service:
- Information & Signposting Volunteer - involves being the first point of contact for clients who visit, telephone or email the service and assisting them to resolve their enquiry. It is an interesting, varied, rewarding and sometimes challenging role (click here for more details about the role)
- I&A Resources Volunteer- involves maintaining signposting and referral information and other material used within the I&A service, to ensure that information given to clients is accurate and up to date (click here for more details about the role)
- I&A Form Filling Volunteer - involves helping clients to complete application forms for disability benefits via face-to-face appointments at the office. It is an interesting, varied, rewarding and sometimes challenging role (click here for more details about the role)
Get involved - Volunteer with us!
If you would like to offer your support to Age UK BRWF, please complete our Volunteering Enquiries Form (via this link) or contact our team on 01527 570490 - Thank you!