Bromsgrove Forum for Older People – Thank you!

Published on 01 August 2024 05:22 PM
Earlier this week Age UK BRWF were visited by representatives from the Bromsgrove Forum for Older People who presented the charity with a donation from its funds.
With no one stepping forward to enable the continued running of the Forum, the group sadly held its last meeting in July. Given the charity’s original connection with the establishment of the Forum, and its ongoing support over the years, the members fully supported the donation to Age UK BRWF.
Speaking about the group and its donation, Age UK BRWF’s CEO Amanda Allen said
‘We are really so very grateful to the Bromsgrove Forum for Older People for this donation but, at the same time, are sadden that the group is closing. The Forum has been an important part of the Bromsgrove community for over 20 years, raising awareness of the issues affecting older people, providing a collective voice to help influence change at a local level (including campaigns to lower car park charges and to raise the issues of ‘cashless’ parking) as well as nationally (raising concerns on issues such as the changes to free TV licence for the over75s). The announcement earlier this week about the cuts in Winter Fuel Payment demonstrates just how important it is for older people to have a voice in policies and decisions that affect them - the Bromsgrove Forum’s voice on such issues will be truly missed, but I and my team will continue to do everything that we can to ensure that the voices of local older people are heard’.
The photo shows Age UK BRWF CEO Amanda Allen plus representatives of the Bromsgrove Forum of Older People Carole Tipping (Chairperson), June Bateman and Mary Rowlands (Secretary).
Save the Winter Fuel Payment
At the end of July, the Government announced that the Winter Fuel Payment will become means-tested in England and Wales. Click on the link if you would like to sign the Age UK petition to help save the Winter Fuel Payment