HME Support for Bromsgrove Men In Sheds

Published on 08 March 2023 09:56 PM
Bromsgrove Men In Sheds recently welcomed Kevin Hughes (Accreditation Manager) and Martin Grahame-Dunn (Marketing & Comms Manager) from the HME Group of Companies to the Shed, after the Stoke Prior-based business very kindly agreed to support the Shed as part of its Corporate Responsibility Programme.
HME’s Managing Director, Martyn Hale, initially contacted Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch & Wyre Forest’s Jo Hughes after reading an article in the Ormerod Rutter Client Newsletter about how members of the Ormerod team (who are one of the Bromsgrove Shedder’s original ‘Shed Share Sponsors’) had spent a day working with the Shedders making items from their ‘Festive Range’.
Martyn’s original thought was that HME could support the Shed by donating equipment, offering the Shedders one of HME’s 3-D Printers, but, after finding out more about the Shed, and Age UK BRWF’s work as a local charity, Martin wanted to do more and realised that HME could also support the Shed with their expertise! In addition to providing Design & Technology and Science equipment to schools, HME also offer related health & safety advice and testing hence, as part of his visit to the Shed, Kevin was able to share his knowledge and expertise regarding dust extraction processes and systems to help maintain safe environment at the Shed.
Speaking about the visit Martin Grahame-Dunn said,
‘HME as a company have been engaged heavily in Education for many years. Providing equipment, resources and training for Design, Technology & Education from Primary to Further Education. 'Men in Sheds' has opened our eyes at the other end of the spectrum. Men coming together after a well spent working life, doing what they love, keeping their minds and bodies active, particularly in respect of their mental health. It was like being in a room of schoolboys revelling in the magic of creating things with a purpose. What a fantastic and much needed initiative and we are proud to have helped in our own way.’
Speaking on behalf of Age UK BRWF, Jo Hughes said,
Whilst raising funds through schemes such as the Shed Share Scheme is really important to the charity, organisations and individuals sharing their knowledge and expertise, and supporting us with equipment and materials, is also incredibly valuable, not just to the Shed but across all aspects of the charity. We really appreciate this support from HME (and that of all our supporters) and look forward to developing our partnership because, as a local charity operating across North Worcestershire, we could not do what we do without the support of our communities.’
Follow this link to watch a short video of Kevin talking about his visit and explaining how HME are supporting Bromsgrove Men In Sheds
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