Local business support for Bromsgrove Men In Sheds

Published on 01 December 2021 09:59 PM
Bromsgrove Men In Sheds recently welcomed Managing Director of Jukes Insurance Brokers, James Godsall, to the Shed, after the local business lent its support the 2021 Shed Share Scheme, launched to help raise funds to support the continued operation of its much-valued group.
Men in Sheds originates from an Australian project started in the 1990’s, called Men’s Sheds, as a way of tackling loneliness and social isolation in older men where retirement can mean loss of status and contact. Since 2016, Bromsgrove Men In Sheds (which is part of Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch & Wyre Forest) has been operating at a unit on the Metal & Ores Industrial Estate, Stoke Prior.
As well as spending time talking with the group (to understand the difference that the Shed makes), James also helped with the finishing touches to a Reindeer, which is part of a range of handcrafted Christmas products made by the Shedders to help raise funds for the group. To help with additional fundraising for the Shed, this December Jukes Insurance Brokers are hosting a special Christmas Raffle, with those taking part having a chance to win the MIS Reindeer that James helped to create!
Speaking about his visit, James said,
“It was lovely to meet the Shedders and hear about the great work they do. The Shed is a fantastic hub for older men to meet, learn new skills and socialise. We’re proud sponsors of the Shedders and the incredible work they do locally. As a community we’re very lucky to have initiatives like this and Age UK BRWF to help support its older residents. I would strongly encourage local businesses to get involved and help support the Shed.”
Speaking on behalf of Age UK BRWF, Jo Hughes added,
“We really are so very grateful to Jukes Insurance Brokers (and to all our other sponsors) for supporting Bromsgrove Men In Sheds, in addition to members of the local community for supporting our various fundraising activities, to help ensure that the Shed can continue. Initiatives such as this are so important, helping to providing a ‘purpose-to-the-day’ and enabling older people within our communities to establish and maintain those all-important ‘connections’ – something which we have all come to appreciate over the last 20+ months.”
Anyone interested in joining or supporting Bromsgrove Men In Sheds (including taking part in its 2021 Shed Share Scheme) can find out more by contacting Jo Hughes at Age UK BRWF on 01527 568855 / Jo.Hughes@ageukbrwf.org.uk. The Shedders are also planning a special Open Morning at the Shed on Saturday 4th December (from 10am-12pm) for anybody interested in items from their Christmas Range.
To find out more about Jukes Insurance Brokers’ special Reindeer Christmas Raffle (which will be drawn on 14th December 2021), please contact Hayden Amess at Jukes Insurance Brokers, email hayden@jukesinsurance.co.uk.
Find out more About Men In Sheds
To find out more about joining Men In Sheds, call us on 01527 570490 or email: enquiries@ageukbrwf.org.uk
MIS Easter Range 2022
To help raise funds to support the Shed, Bromsgrove Men In Sheds have launched their Easter Range for 2022! Click on the button to find out more!