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The Bromley Well Adult Carers Service supports people who are aged 19+ and care for a relative, friend or neighbour.  The service provides practical, emotional and planning support to help carers maintain their caring roles, increase their resilience and support to plan for the future to avoid crisis.

How we can help:

  • Programmes to help increase confidence and resilience to manage caring responsibilities and anxieties
  • Information, Guidance and Advice
  • Intensive support in an emergency or crisis
  • Support to self-identify and register as a carer with the GP
  • Sitting/Respite Service - this service is chargeable at an affordable rate
  • Support Groups and therapy based group sessions
  • Access to employment and education support services
  • Opportunities to meet others and share your experiences
  • Access to technology and digitial literacy clubs wher you can learn about tablets, smart phones, emailing, digital photos, Skype and much more

When: 9:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays

Our support sessions and activities are accessible at different locations throughout Bromley.  Get in touch to find out more.

For more information

Telephone: 0808 278 7898 or 020 8315 1878