New Beginnings Day Centre

Opening times
We are open 4 days a week, Tuesday-Friday.
About the Day Centre
We offer a regular programme of activities that include exercise, dance, arts and crafts, singing, baking, walking, gardening, visits from local school children and outside entertainment. We regularly have 12 - 20 people attend per day, which creates an exciting friendly atmosphere, and a two course hot meal freshly prepared daily in the onsite café.
We offer taster sessions where you come and join in with the day to ensure it fits in with your interests and individual needs.
Transport is provided for those who require it, in and around the Withywood area.
We are funded via Bristol City Council for people meeting their criteria - referrals are made through Bristol city council. Alternatively, we offer private places where you can complete a self-referral form.
Where are we located?
The Withywood Centre, Queens Road, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 8QA
How can you access the service?
Ninety percent of referrals must come through Social Services, with provision of ten percent allocated to those who have been identified as having preventative care needs (and do not meet Adult Community Care's strict criteria).
For those with preventative care needs, please contact New Beginnings directly on: 0117 987 8406.
“You can feel the cheerfulness and positive vibrations when you walk in the room and that adds to the joyful atmosphere ... New Beginnings offers the opportunity to try new things and she has a giggle when she tells me about ‘giving it a go’. The whole day is just lovely and I wanted you to know it makes so much difference not only to the lives of the people who come but I am very grateful to you for seeing the smile on my mum’s face again. Thank you”. - New Beginnings Member's daughter.