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What you can expect to gain from volunteering in this role:

  • Experience of creating community connection with a group of older people facing isolation.
  • Experience of hosting and facilitating.
  • Experience of using phone group technology so that multiple people can join a call.
  • Ongoing support from Age UK Bristol staff.
  • Induction training and further training opportunities to help you carry out the role.
  • Any expenses related to the role covered by Age UK Bristol.
  • Occasional social events for Age UK Bristol volunteers.
  • Appreciation for your work.


Advantages of this role include- 

  • Commitment required is only 1or 2 hours a week
  • Can be done from home
  • You can make a huge difference to others
  • You need internet connection but incredibly simple to use and training provided.


What we’re looking for in a volunteer:

  • Availability for 1 or 2 hours a week.
  • A friendly disposition, with the ability to create a welcoming atmosphere and include people so as to encourage an enjoyable experience.
  • Ability to be assertive and intervene if necessary, for instance manage group members who may dominate the conversation
  • Reliability and punctuality – calls need to run on time.
  • Access to a reliable internet connection and a computer or tablet.
  • Confidence in using new software so that calls run on time and everyone connects with the group (training provided; the platform we use is quite straightforward and easy to learn).
  • Good verbal communication skills to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible and encourage shyer callers.
  • An understanding of the needs of older people.
  • Ability to respond to any Safeguarding concerns and keep the environment safe.
  • Willingness to follow Age UK Bristol’s policies, such as Confidentiality, Safeguarding, Health & Safety and Equal Opportunities, and to complete any training and admin needed to perform the role.


About FAB

FAB is short for ‘Friends Ageing Better’ and is run by Age UK Bristol as a way to build up a community of older people across the city. FAB cafes happen across Bristol and are a great way to meet new people, build relationships, and find out what else is happening locally and beyond. 

Further Information

To apply, and for further information, please contact;

Sue Forde – FAB Communications