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Our Friends Ageing Better (FAB) project is looking for volunteer hosts for our FAB cafés around Bristol. In this volunteer role, you’ll be part of creating vibrant, welcoming community spaces that build relationships and connect people with activities in their local community.

At Age UK Bristol, we want to change the way we age. We aim to keep people aged 55+ well and active, encouraging Bristol to be an Age Friendly city. We do this in 3 ways - through providing practical help and supporting people’s emotional and physical wellbeing in a range of ways depending on their needs.  In addition, we want to prevent people from needing our help wherever possible.  We do this in our strategic work, where we aim to create the conditions for older adults to remain healthy and independent.

We are looking for FAB Cafe Host Volunteers for the following cafes

  • Avonmouth - Mondays, 2:30-4:30
  • St Werburghs LGBT+ - Thursdays, 10:00-12:00
  • Brislington - Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00
  • Fishponds - Fridays 2:00-4:00

The role involves

  • Welcoming older people who are new to the FAB café
  • Facilitating conversation and activities in the group
  • Promoting your local FAB café and the FAB membership card scheme
  • Keeping sign-up sheets for attendees at cafes
  • Providing information about events and activities happening in the local area with the support of the FAB team

The qualities and skills required for this role are

  • Welcoming and friendly disposition, with the ability to include people.
  • Reliability.
  • Ability to communicate well with a diverse range of people.
  • Ability to respond to people’s varied access needs (such as hearing loss) to make sure each individual can participate well.
  • Ability to work cooperatively in a busy community setting.
  • An understanding of the needs of older people.

To find out more or have an informal chat about the role, please contact Sue Forde, FAB Project Coordinator, on 0117 440 4301 or .

To request an application form please email  or call 0117 928 1530.