Going Home - Hospital Discharge Service

About this service
Age UK Bristol and Southern Brooks Community Partnerships are working together to support people to return home after a stay in hospital. Our Link Workers know the voluntary and community sector well and can ensure that individuals get the support they need for a smooth and timely return home.
Who is it for
People who require additional support to be discharged.
Referral criteria is as follows:
- Bristol residents: over 50 years old
- South Gloucestershire: any age
What Link Workers can do
Link Workers can connect people to a wide range of services which can help with their practical, social or emotional needs. These provide:
• Support with grants and benefits.
• Home adaptations, decluttering, and handyperson services.
• Pendant alarms and TEC (Tech Enabled Care).
• Help around the home, cleaning and shopping.
• Support for carers.
• Local activities (e.g. befriending, walking clubs, social groups).
• Advice on housing, social care and power of attorney.
Referrals are through health professionals only.
Patricia's experience of the hospital discharge service:
Patricia is a woman in her eighties and has lived all over the country. She has always been very independent; however, she recently experienced a fall whilst out walking which led to an extended stay at Southmead Hospital.
At the hospital, Patricia met Katie Hudson-Murt, one of Age UK Bristol’s Hospital Link Workers. Katie’s job is to support people returning home after a stay in hospital. She connects patients to practical, social, and emotional support in their community to make the return home as comfortable as possible. Katie brought lots of different information with her for Patricia and wrote her name on the flyer explaining what the hospital discharge service did and how to get in touch.
After having an x-ray, Patricia found out that she would need to go to a rehab centre, but because she’d been brought into hospital so suddenly, she didn’t have any overnight clothes or personal items with her. Patricia contacted Katie who was able to visit her home, and after detailing what she needed and where it would be in the house, Katie was able to bring Patricia her items.
Having her own items, clothes, wash things and mail, meant that Patricia felt more independent again.
“It was so successful,” Patricia said. “What more could anyone want? Just brilliant. So, she came with all my things. It’s nice to know there’s someone on site that you can ring, so I just wanted to express my thanks and say what a very good idea it is to have a base at the hospital.”
“One can feel vulnerable in a hospital, it’s very busy and sometimes you can’t get hold of people. I’ve lived alone all my life so I’m very used to making my own decisions, but some people would get very frightened and nervous, and I think it’s nice that they can pick up the phone and ask for help.”