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The Ageing Well programme aims to improve the quality of life of older people, so that everyone in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) can stay well as they get older. This includes supporting the population to stay healthy at home.

To do this, pilots funded by the BNSSG Healthier Together Ageing Well programme address gaps in support. These fall into four main areas: increasing urgent community response services, planning for people’s future health and care needs, dementia support and enhancing healthcare across all care home beds.

Age UK Bristol is leading on two of these pilots and supporting with the facilitation of the VCSE pilots. Age UK Bristol collates a monthly e-bulletin sharing news and updates from across the pilots. You can subscribe here or read the latest bulletins below:

February, January, DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptember, July, June, May, April. 

If you’d like to know more about the Connecting Communities programme, please email the team at

For any further questions regarding the pilots please contact Karen Lloyd,

View pilot projects on the map below.


Active Lives:

Active Lives is made up of a partnership of organisations and led by Age UK Bristol’s Active Ageing service working to embed physical activity in care pathways. Other partners include Bristol Health Partners, North Bristol NHS Trust, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Trust, University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol.

The projects run by Active Lives are:


Connecting Communities:

Connecting Communities is a legacy programme administered by Age UK Bristol building on the work of the Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) programme which focused on preventing and reducing loneliness and social isolation experienced by older people in Bristol.

Connecting Communities has expanding specific BAB projects across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. These projects have been selected due to their measured outcomes and effectiveness in community capacity building with people over the age of 50.

The projects run by Connecting Communities are:

If you’d like to know more about the Connecting Communities programme, please email the team at


Funded by Healthier Together Ageing Well.
