Active Ageing

Active Ageing is an initiative that aims to engage, inspire and enable people to be active, healthy and happy in later life. Active Ageing builds on existing provision and develops new activities to encourage people aged 55 and over to become and stay active.
Though most of the activities and hubs supported through the programme have been temporarily closed due to the coronavirus, there are a variety of opportunities available to Bristol residents to support them to keep active at home.
Click here to find out about our Age-Friendly Physical Activity Hub Scheme.
Click here to read our Healthy Ageing Directory for 2021-22.
WalkFest runs Bristol's annual walking festival every May. You can find out more on the website (Bristol Walk Fest) to keep you walking all year round. The Bristol WalkFest team have also developed a helpful pdf booklet featuring a selection of walks throughout Bristol for you to access whenever you’d like. Read it here.
If you have any questions or need help finding an activity that’s right for you, you can get in touch via email at
Active Ageing Bristol is founded and funded by St Monica Trust and The Anchor Society, and hosted by Age UK Bristol with support from Bristol Public Health.