What's it like to be a befriender?

Published on 11 January 2023 03:19 PM
Andrew has lived in Bristol for 10 years and works as a transport consultant. He has volunteered previously with the National Trust and during lockdown, he contacted Age UK Bristol to see how he could help older people.
At the time, we were recruiting for our telephone befriending service, reaching out to people who were most isolated during the pandemic.
“I think I've got the right skills to listen to people and understand their needs,” Andrew said on his role as a befriender. “I'm happy having conversations and getting to know people and I feel I can adapt my style to suit individuals. I can see what it does for them, that they enjoy the conversations and get value from befriending. That's very fulfilling for me to see.”
Andrew has been matched with three individuals through befriending, two of which have now moved away or no longer need the support. Andrew is still in touch with one woman and meets her on a regular basis for a coffee in their local park where the pair talk about everything from families and relationships to car troubles.
One thing that has stood out to Andrew whilst volunteering has been the digital inclusion gap faced by older people who need to do everyday tasks such as making doctor’s appointments or doing their shopping online. “The technology's there these days, but they're not necessarily the most familiar with it and can feel slightly shut out from society.”
This is part of why befriending at Age UK Bristol plays such a vital role as it offers a connection to people who feel isolated.
Andrew said that he feels well-supported by the team at Age UK Bristol and has enjoyed the volunteer forums where volunteers come together to share tips and advice on how to best help the people they are befriending. This is a role that requires commitment as it takes time to build up trust and form a relationship, but it is very worthwhile Andrew said.
“As a volunteer, you'll get a feeling of fulfilment that you've made somebody's life a bit better.”
If you've been inspired by Andrew's story you can find out more about our ACE Peer Support Volunteering opportunity here.