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FAB Bulletin 01/07/2022

Published on 01 July 2022 08:44 AM

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We hope this email finds you well. At FAB we have been busy working on setting new cafes and stablishing a calendar of activities for the forthcoming months.

FAB cafes happen across Bristol and are a great way to find out what else is happening locally and beyond. These cases are friendly and welcoming opportunities for people to join like-minded people in their area.

We are very excited to be starting a new weekly FAB Café in Fishponds with the support of BrunelCare at Colliers Gardens in August. We are also hosting a new Tech Cafe with our partners at Mirthy on Tuesday 9th Augusta at the Boston Tea Party on Gloucester Road. Please, see more details below. 

We look forward to seeing you there, 

Warm wishes,
Silvia and Christine
FAB Cafes

New - Fishponds FAB Cafe
Fridays from 12th August, 2pm - 4pm at Brunelcare's Colliers Gardens, Delabere Ave, Fishponds BA16 2NA

Withywood FAB Cafe
Tuesdays, 11am-1pm at Withywood Centre, Queens Rd, BS13 8QA. 

Hengrove FAB Cafe
Tuesdays (term-time only) from 1pm-3pm at Perry Court Community Hub, BS14 0AX (access via gate on CrossWalk)

Future Cafes
We are working at full speed to bring a little bit of FAB to the East of the city (don't despair people in North Bristol, we will soon set something North of the river!). We are working on possibly opening a FAB Cafe in Fishponds and another LGBT+ FAB Cafe, possibly in St George or Old Market. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in this cafes, no long term commitment needed, we would just like to hear your thoughts. 

FAB Tech Café with Mirthy
Tuesday 9th August, 3pm - 5pm at Boston Tea Party, 293 Gloucester Rd, Bishopston, BS7 8PE

Bring all your technology related questions to our new FAB Tech Cafe! Supported by Mirthy (, an online events platform and community. This community event aims to support you to get all the benefits of being online.

We will be at the large table at the back, ask any member of staff and they'll point you our way. Bring along the devices you'd like support with (and make sure they are charged in advance of the session). This venue is fully accessible.

To sign up, fill in this form:
Or call 0117 440 4301 and leave a message with your name, number, and any tech questions/problems you'd like to submit in advance.

Free Nordic Walking Courses

Free Nordic walking wellness courses from East Trees and Charlotte Keel Health Centres near Eastville Park. These short learn to Nordic walk courses combine Nordic walking with nature-based activities in local green spaces to support mental and physical wellbeing. They are suitable for most fitness levels and are sociable, friendly and fun.

Nordic walking is the same as ordinary walking, but you use two poles to help you walk more confidently and with good posture. The programme is organised by Let’s Walk Bristol and the classes are run by qualified instructors. Specialist Nordic walking poles will be provided and you can continue to borrow the poles once the course if over. You will receive Nordic walking achievement certificate on completion.

Advance booking is essential. Please contact Subitha to book or if you have any
questions: Tel: 07783 083542. Upcoming dates:

  • East Trees Health Centre, Classes are on Wednesdays 10-11am, starting 7th September for 6 weeks
  • Charlotte Keel Health Centre, Classes are on Fridays 10-11am, starting on 9th September for 6 weeks (women only)

Could you be the face of Age UK Bristol?

We're looking for models over the age of 50 to join us for a photo shoot this summer. We know that the images we use to represent people over 50 are important and we want to ensure that we are using positive, non-stereotyped portrayals of older people from a range of backgrounds.

We can offer a £10 gift voucher and a copy of the images taken of you as a thank you for your time as well as covering any travel expenses you incur on the day.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call 0117 929 7537 and leave a message with your name and phone number. If possible, please also state your availability in August and what times of day are the most convenient for you.

Setting Up New Cafes

We are working at full speed to set up new catch up cafes and provide our members with more opportunities to catch up and meet others. We are particularly interested in setting the following
cafes in the following months:

  • A weekly FAB café dedicated to older people who identify as LGBT+
  • A weekly FAB café in Sea Mills or Avonmouth
If any of these cafes sound interesting to you, please do get in touch. If you would like to be involved, we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, no long-term commitment needed.



Friends Ageing Better is a project delivered by Age UK Bristol, in partnership with Bristol Older People's Forum.

Age UK Bristol Registered Charity Number: 1042548


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