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We’re launching a new 'Buddy Up' project and we need your help

Published on 28 June 2021 02:03 PM

Buddy Up to Get Back Out is a new project Age UK Bristol are launching to help people over 50 in Bristol to build up their confidence in meeting people face-to-face and going to cafes and group events again. The project aims to match older people with other local, older people to help them regain their confidence and get out and about again.

The last year and a half of living through the Coronavirus Crisis has led to many of us, understandably feeling anxious about going out. In a recent report, Age UK found that 34% of older people agree that their anxiety is now worse or much worse than before the start of the pandemic and that 45% of people aged 70+ say that they are either uncomfortable or very uncomfortable leaving their house because of the pandemic.

We also know how much harder it is for many people who have been shielding, and who may have been feeling isolated or who have lost their confidence to go out.


Could you help?

We are looking for volunteers who can help in building up confidence in their peers. Could you give someone a weekly telephone call, meet them face-to-face in a public place or even go with them to a local activity?

Age UK Bristol will provide you with training and support. You would be part of a team of people helping older people in Bristol communities get their lives back.

If you have 2 hours a week you could offer we would love to hear from you. We are particularly interested in hearing from people aged 50 and over, although we welcome enquiries from everyone.

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes.

To find out more, with no obligation please email or call 0117 929 7537 and ask for Clare Mitchell to give you a call back.

*Findings from a recent Age UK Report: the-impact-of-covid-19-on-older-people_age-uk.pdf (