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"You’ve got to get out to help yourself." David's journey out of lockdown.

Published on 13 August 2021 02:12 PM

“You’ve got to get out to help yourself, else it can make you feel a bit closed in and lethargic so you’ve just got to do it.”

David worked for Bristol Parks before retiring and has always enjoyed getting out and about by walking, joining various social groups and spending time in his garden. During the first lockdown, David, like many people, was scared by the spread of the virus and worried about catching it, he was grateful for a neighbor who picked up his shopping for him so he could avoid crowded shops. David said that during this time he made an effort to stay busy for the sake of his wellbeing, although the groups that he had previously attended had to close during lockdown.

 Since people have been vaccinated David has become more comfortable in going out. He now does his own shopping again. “It was alright after I done it the first time,” said David, “Once you’ve done it once you feel alright about it again. I always wear my mask, but I don’t want to use a bus just yet until I feel ready.”

David’s advice for people who were worried about going out again post-lockdown was to try out a walk around the neighborhood and speak to your neighbors as you go. “You’ve got to get out to help yourself, else it can make you feel a bit closed in and lethargic so you’ve just got to do it.” It was on one of David’s walks that he heard about the Community Garden Club being run by Alive Activities in Lawrence Weston. The gardening club is a free weekly activity at Lawrence Weston Court where people can tend to the community garden together, growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

“I’ve picked up a lot about gardening over the years,” said David, “And I thought it would be good to help out, I think for anybody it’s good to feel useful.” David has contributed his help with sowing seeds, taking clippings and helping the garden thrive for other people to enjoy.

“It gets you out doing something, everyone’s very friendly. No one knows everything so you can always learn something new. I go for the people, I’m not sure what came first, going for the people or going for the garden! We do quite a lot; we’ve got gooseberries and currant bushes, tomatoes in the greenhouse and even hops! I can describe it for you but it’s better to come and see it for yourself.”

David's story is a part of Age UK Bristol and the Support Hub’s ‘One Small Step to Reconnect’ campaign, supporting and enabling people over 50 to rebuild their confidence in connecting with their community post-lockdown. To find out more about the community gardens run by Alive Activities visit  or ring 07557 354 408.