Celebrating 9 years with Mark Baker at the helm…

Published on 09 June 2020 10:35 AM
Celebrating 9 years with Mark Baker at the helm…
Our Co-Chief Executive, Mark Baker will be retiring at the end of June.
Mark has been the Chief Executive of Age UK Bristol since 2011 and entered into a job share last year with Kay Libby who takes over as full time Chief Executive on 1 July.
Mark came to Age UK Bristol at a difficult time of financial uncertainty. He worked with the staff, Trustees and funders to make it through the challenges and bring strength and stability to the organisation. Mark was instrumental in the creation of the Bristol Ageing Better programme, working with Bristol City Council, local partners and older Bristolians to bring £6m from the National Lottery Community Fund to Bristol. The Bristol Ageing Better programme reduces isolation and loneliness among older people and has created a network of local organisations who are all working on a common goal. The programme is now sharing learning and building on work to make Bristol an ‘Age Friendly City’ and we can see the legacy that Mark has helped to build. Mark is leaving Age UK Bristol in a strong position.
Mark is a firm believer in collaboration and partnership building. This is reflected in his work at AUKB as well as the wider Bristol community. Everyone at Age UK Bristol wishes Mark Baker a very happy retirement. We were lucky to have him for 9 years and look forward to seeing him in a social capacity for years to come.
We’ve collected a number of quotes from across the organization, thanking Mark for everything he’s done during his time with us.
Peter Scott, Age UK Bristol Board of Trustees Chair: “Mark has a refreshing approach to the way in which charities should co-operate rather than compete when they have essentially the same interests. He has developed and maintained key relationships with the City Council in times of austerity . The charity he leaves will be very different from the one he joined 9 years ago and he must take credit with others for the enhanced reputation we now enjoy in the city.”
Joan Cox, Age UK Bristol trustee: “Since the beginning, Mark has worked hard to integrate the various Age UK Bristol services and encourage more internal support and collaboration between staff colleagues. He has also put a lot of energy into establishing positive relationships with other city services and developing inter-agency working. I would say this has provided an excellent basis for the creation, development and ongoing influence of the Bristol Ageing Better programme.”
Heather Wright, Age UK Bristol Patron: “Mark has always impressed me with his tireless energy and enthusiasm. He is as comfortable representing Age UK Bristol at a Council Meeting or on local radio as he is speaking to one of our clients or our wonderful volunteers, always speaking from the heart, with honesty and sincerity, and wide understanding of the issues. I have enjoyed working with Mark very much over the years and he has succeeded in positively affecting me and many others, with his deep desire to make Bristol a great place to grow old.”
Mark Hitchins, Finance Consultant to Age UK Bristol: “Mark has shown the qualities of great leadership: a sharp intelligence, compassion, loyalty, and an ability to analyse and resolve complex situations. His primary concern has always been the welfare of our users and of our staff. On a more personal level, I will miss the coffees, the football banter, the advice and support, and most of all the friendship!”
Kay Libby, Chief Executive of Age UK Bristol: “I wish Mark all the very best in a well-deserved retirement and am pleased to know that he will remain in touch as a friend of Age UK Bristol. I have worked with Mark over many years in various capacities. He has always been keen to work in partnership with others and passionate about improving the lives of older people. Mark’s friendly, collaborative approach has shaped all of his work in the city, including his time at Age UK Bristol. I will always be grateful to him for encouraging me to consider a career in the voluntary sector and am keen to take forwards his good work on behalf of older people in the city.”
We wish you all the best for a very happy and fulfilling future, Mark.