Celebrating Age Festival

Published on 01 October 2020 12:01 PM
Celebrating Age Festival 2020
Every year we run the Celebrating Age Festival (CAF), kicking off on 1st October to mark International Day of Older People and to celebrate later life and challenge stereotypes around ageing.
This year, due to the coronavirus crisis, we have had to do things differently and we are running activities over a variety of formats so that the festival is more accessible, for this reason, we have online, telephone and face to face activities listed for this year’s festival. You can find these activities listed on the CAF webpage. Another change for this year’s festival is the timing as we have extended the festival to last until the end of November, to give people something to look forward to and to enjoy during these difficult times.
As a part of CAF, Age UK Bristol is delivering three main events that you can get involved in.
Art competition:
Open to artists of all levels and accepting all types and styles of art, our art competition only has one rule: you have to be aged over 50 to enter. (Although, intergenerational entries are also accepted if, for example, you wanted to create some art with a grandchild.)
Once you have created your piece of art, take a picture of it and email it to LinkAge@ageukbristol.org.uk – make sure to give us permission to use it on social media, as we would love to share all of your creations. The deadline to submit an entry is 30th November.
Two local artists will judge the entries, glass artist, Robyn Coetzee and painter, Laurel Smart. Four winners will be selected on 4th December.
Find your artistic side and share it with the world!
Open Mic Night: 25th November from 5pm
Join us for an evening of entertainment from your own home! This is an event open to anyone to attend, showcasing the talent of people over 50.
Do you sing, play an instrument, read poetry or perform comedy? Get in touch today to perform at our Open Mic Night - You can have up to 10 minutes to perform to the audience and show us what you can do!
If you would like to either attend as an audience member or to perform sign up by emailing Comms@ageukbristol.org.uk or ringing 0117 9297537. The event will take place over Zoom and we will send the Zoom link to you the day before via email.
Shining Star Award
Do you know someone aged 50+ who goes above and beyond in their community? We are seeking nominations for our Shining Stars Award.
You can nominate yourself, your family member, friend or neighbour. Send us a paragraph telling us how you or your nomination goes above and beyond in giving back to the community. This could be something that they did before Covid-19, during lockdown, or now. Please include contact information so we can get in touch.
Nominations are open now until the 5th January. We will be putting stories on the website as they come in. We will be randomly selecting four lucky Shining Stars for a prize. Winners will be selected in January.
Fill in your nomination online by clicking here.
Alternatively, you can download the nomination form and email it back to Linkage@ageukbristol.org.uk