Eat, Move, Be Happy
We have partnered with Eat, Move, Be Happy to provide free sessions on staying active.
Sign up to the Move Better sessions for free, which are available for everyone aged over 50 across Bradford District.
These will be offered on a free of charge basis thanks to funding that we've received from the Tackling Inequalities Fund.
This fund exists to help to reduce the negative impact of Covid-19 and the widening of the inequalities in sport and physical activity.
These sessions are accessible online only. We can loan you a tablet computer for accessing the courses and we can also help with broadband, so there are no barriers for you to Eat, Move and Be Happy!
More about Eat, Move, Be Happy
“Our philosophy is to challenge thinking to inspire bravery and build confidence. We do this by focusing on what people can do, no step is too small when making changes to wellbeing. Doing something is better than doing nothing and in our experience the second time is always better, so we encourage people to keep trying and help them adapt to a plan B if they need to. Making things as easy as they need to be at the start and as hard as we can to challenge ourselves as we progress is how we get fitter, stronger and healthier.”
On our partnership
“We are very excited to be partnering with Age UK Bradford District and help more people live their life to the full. All too often as people get older they think they cannot do things and so they move less and accept this as the norm. We know this doesn’t have to be the case and lots of our clients are reaping the benefits of moving more and changing their eating habits. This partnership will help us help more people - what’s not to love!”
Anna Sheryn, Co-founder, Eat ,Move, Be Happy.
You can read more about Eat, Move, Be Happy here
Sign up to Move Better sessions for free, for over 50s across Bradford District: