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VIDEO: Groundbreaking project uses archive footage to reignite Second World War memories

Published on 05 May 2018 03:03 PM

A GROUNDBREAKING project has been launched with the district's Second World War veterans at its centre.

Film footage from the 1940s and 50s is helping to 'rediscover' memories and stimulate conversation among people who lived through the period.

Bradford and District Age UK is staging sessions across the district and says they are already proving a massive hit.

"The secret to the success of this project is the films themselves – they bring the sessions alive because everyone shares their memories and the footage is such a delight to watch," said Brian Percival, for the charity.

"Within minutes, the conversations are flowing and there are some fantastic stories being shared – it's amazing what you learn.

"This really is such a great resource."

The scheme, financed by the LIBOR fund, is part of a region-wide Military Memories initiative supporting aged veterans and their families.

Five Age UK branches have teamed-up with the Yorkshire Film Archive to produce a reminiscence resource, Memory Bank: Life on the Home Front, based on the footage.

The films feature the rise of the Home Guard, the vital work women performed in support of the war effort, the impact of the conflict on children, VE Day celebrations and the return to peace as people looked forward to the future.

Sue Howard, director of the Yorkshire Film Archive, welcomed the venture.

"Here at the archive we have a wealth of footage that shows what life was like across every decade of the twentieth century," she said.

"Our job is to ensure these films are preserved, but that is only half the story – the most important part of our work is to make sure our collections can be seen and enjoyed by everyone.

"Developing Memory Bank has been hugely rewarding.

"The films connect a whole generation of people with their past and give the opportunity to prompt and share memories of a time gone by.

"What is fantastic about working with Age UK is that it has the networks and connections to reach out to people who simply wouldn't have the opportunity to see these films otherwise.

"It is a great example of how working in partnership brings out the best for everyone."

People can just turn up, or for further information on our next sessions contact Mr Percival on or 01274 391190.

Read the published article here

Read the original article published in October 2016 by The Telegraph and Argus.