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Meet Age UK Bradford District’s Longest-Serving Volunteer: Shazia

Published on 12 June 2024 08:43 AM

Shazia joined Age UK Bradford District in 2003 after moving to the area. Following the loss of her father-in-law, she moved out of a multigenerational family home with her husband and children. With her youngest child starting school and her husband working long hours, Shazia found herself with more free time and looking for a meaningful way to serve her community. 

Finding herself bored at home, Shazia discovered her local Age UK Bradford District Hub (then known as Age Concern) within walking distance from her home. The Hub quickly became her extended family, providing her with a sense of community and purpose. 

Shazia has been dedicated in her support over the years. Colin Williams, Community Activities Assistant, Age UK Bradford District, said, "Shazia is the most amazing volunteer. She has volunteered with us throughout the times her two sons have been treated for cancer and always has time for everyone." 

Shazia herself says, "I love working here because all the people are so lovely and amazing, and I want to give something back to my community. I'm here nearly every day after work." 

For Shazia, the Hub is more than just a place to volunteer; it's a sanctuary away from the chaos of her job and a place to relax and connect. 

All the work that is done by Age UK Bradford District is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers like Shazia. The charity explains that they simply could not do what they do without them. Their contributions make a huge difference to the lives of older people in communities across Bradford District and they are extremely grateful to every person who volunteers for them. 

If you are you interested in volunteering and would like to find out more about opportunities, you can visit your nearest Age UK Bradford District Hub or visit the website 

As Colin says: “Thank you, Shazia, and all our incredible volunteers, for your support and dedication”.